This software is freeware. You can use it free of charge.
Future versions from 6.0 on will be open source under CPL 1.0.
If you find this tool useful you can make me happy by
- sending a nice postcard (no virtual ones please!):
| ._ /\/\/\/\ |
| `--.. <50c > |
| -..__ < O O > |
|.. . < () > |
|_ '--._ `'-.. < `.__.' > |
| `-.__ `- \/\/\/\/ |
| . ' .. -.. | |
| `-. _ `-. | Markus Gebhard |
| --._ `-. `-- | Ackerstrasse 8 |
| _ '' .._ ''' , | D-92708 Mantel |
| `. ` ' | GERMANY |
- or by donating a small amount of money:
Download and install JavE in 3 simple steps:
1) Check system requirements:
Java Runtime (JRE) 1.2 or greater installed.
(If there is only Java1.1 available for your system you can download the 4.0 version of JavE)
(JavE has been tested with Windows 98 and greater, MacOS X, Solaris and Linux. It will also work on many other systems.)
MacOS users will need to install the Macintosh Runtime Environment for Java (MRJ).
2) Download JavE:
Windows, Solaris, Linux, and others:
current Version 5.0 (JaVE): [1064kB]
(old Version 4.0 J4vE: [918kB])
- Download the file and unpack it to a new directory.
- The directory path should not contain space characters (e.g.
C:\Program Files\jave will not work!).
- Also make sure to keep the directory structure from the ZIP archive.
MacOS X:
The MacOS X version of JavE can be found here.
For MacOS users:
Download Version 4.0 (J4vE): [918kB])
Download the launcher for the JavE4.0:
(old version JaveMac.sit for JavE3.0)
Unpack it into the JavE-Folder.
You can then start JavE by double clicking on the launcher.
3) Run JavE:
- Open the folder you have unpacked JavE to.
jave5.jar is an executable Java Archive.
You should be able to start it by either:
- Doubleclick (e.g. in Windows)
- On the command line try the following:
java -jar jave5.jar
- If that does not work have a look at the FAQ.
Download FIGlet fonts:
Download the FIGlet font library and unpack it into the folder of your JavE installation
In order to use the Fixedsys font you have to download the true type version and
install it on your system.
The most recent version can be downloaded from
There is an icon available (e.g. for links to the jar-file on the desktop):
This icon is included in the download package above (in various formats).
Further information
Tell me what you think about it: