Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'colossal'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
                 888                                     888
                 888                                     888
                 888                                     888
 .d8888b .d88b.  888  .d88b.  .d8888b  .d8888b   8888b.  888
d88P"   d88""88b 888 d88""88b 88K      88K          "88b 888
888     888  888 888 888  888 "Y8888b. "Y8888b. .d888888 888
Y88b.   Y88..88P 888 Y88..88P      X88      X88 888  888 888
 "Y8888P "Y88P"  888  "Y88P"   88888P'  88888P' "Y888888 888

(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
88888888888 888                                    d8b          888         888                                                 .d888                        d8b                                                                                   888    888                  888                                    888
    888     888                                    Y8P          888         888                                                d88P"                         Y8P                                                                                   888    888                  888                                    888
    888     888                                                 888         888                                                888                                                                                                                 888    888                  888                                    888
    888     88888b.   .d88b.      .d88888 888  888 888  .d8888b 888  888    88888b.  888d888 .d88b.  888  888  888 88888b.     888888 .d88b.  888  888      8888 888  888 88888b.d88b.  88888b.  .d8888b      .d88b.  888  888  .d88b.  888d888    888888 88888b.   .d88b.     888  8888b.  88888888 888  888     .d88888  .d88b.   .d88b.
    888     888 "88b d8P  Y8b    d88" 888 888  888 888 d88P"    888 .88P    888 "88b 888P"  d88""88b 888  888  888 888 "88b    888   d88""88b `Y8bd8P'      "888 888  888 888 "888 "88b 888 "88b 88K         d88""88b 888  888 d8P  Y8b 888P"      888    888 "88b d8P  Y8b    888     "88b    d88P  888  888    d88" 888 d88""88b d88P"88b
    888     888  888 88888888    888  888 888  888 888 888      888888K     888  888 888    888  888 888  888  888 888  888    888   888  888   X88K         888 888  888 888  888  888 888  888 "Y8888b.    888  888 Y88  88P 88888888 888        888    888  888 88888888    888 .d888888   d88P   888  888    888  888 888  888 888  888
    888     888  888 Y8b.        Y88b 888 Y88b 888 888 Y88b.    888 "88b    888 d88P 888    Y88..88P Y88b 888 d88P 888  888    888   Y88..88P .d8""8b.       888 Y88b 888 888  888  888 888 d88P      X88    Y88..88P  Y8bd8P  Y8b.     888        Y88b.  888  888 Y8b.        888 888  888  d88P    Y88b 888    Y88b 888 Y88..88P Y88b 888 d8b
    888     888  888  "Y8888      "Y88888  "Y88888 888  "Y8888P 888  888    88888P"  888     "Y88P"   "Y8888888P"  888  888    888    "Y88P"  888  888       888  "Y88888 888  888  888 88888P"   88888P'     "Y88P"    Y88P    "Y8888  888         "Y888 888  888  "Y8888     888 "Y888888 88888888  "Y88888     "Y88888  "Y88P"   "Y88888 Y8P
                                      888                                                                                                                    888                        888                                                                                                               888                           888
                                      888                                                                                                                   d88P                        888                                                                                                          Y8b d88P                      Y8b d88P
                                      888                                                                                                                 888P"                         888                                                                                                           "Y88P"                        "Y88P"

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Colossal.flf (Jonathon -
8 June 1994

Explanation of first line:
flf2 - "magic number" for file identification
a    - should always be `a', for now
$    - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed
11   - height of a character
8    - height of a character, not including descenders
20   - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor
32   - default smushmode for this font
13   - number of comment lines

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
       d8888  888888b.       .d8888b.     8888888b.     8888888888    8888888888     .d8888b.     888    888    8888888         888888
      d88888  888  "88b     d88P  Y88b    888  "Y88b    888           888           d88P  Y88b    888    888      888             "88b
     d88P888  888  .88P     888    888    888    888    888           888           888    888    888    888      888              888
    d88P 888  8888888K.     888           888    888    8888888       8888888       888           8888888888      888              888
   d88P  888  888  "Y88b    888           888    888    888           888           888  88888    888    888      888              888
  d88P   888  888    888    888    888    888    888    888           888           888    888    888    888      888              888
 d8888888888  888   d88P    Y88b  d88P    888  .d88P    888           888           Y88b  d88P    888    888      888              88P
d88P     888  8888888P"      "Y8888P"     8888888P"     8888888888    888            "Y8888P88    888    888    8888888            888

888    d8P    888           888b     d888 888b    888    .d88888b.    8888888b.      .d88888b.    8888888b.      .d8888b.     88888888888
888   d8P     888           8888b   d8888 8888b   888   d88P" "Y88b   888   Y88b    d88P" "Y88b   888   Y88b    d88P  Y88b        888
888  d8P      888           88888b.d88888 88888b  888   888     888   888    888    888     888   888    888    Y88b.             888
888d88K       888           888Y88888P888 888Y88b 888   888     888   888   d88P    888     888   888   d88P     "Y888b.          888
8888888b      888           888 Y888P 888 888 Y88b888   888     888   8888888P"     888     888   8888888P"         "Y88b.        888
888  Y88b     888           888  Y8P  888 888  Y88888   888     888   888           888 Y8b 888   888 T88b            "888        888
888   Y88b    888           888   "   888 888   Y8888   Y88b. .d88P   888           Y88b.Y8b88P   888  T88b     Y88b  d88P        888
888    Y88b   88888888      888       888 888    Y888    "Y88888P"    888            "Y888888"    888   T88b     "Y8888P"         888

888     888   888     888   888       888 Y88b   d88P   Y88b   d88P   8888888888P
888     888   888     888   888   o   888  Y88b d88P     Y88b d88P          d88P
888     888   888     888   888  d8b  888   Y88o88P       Y88o88P          d88P
888     888   Y88b   d88P   888 d888b 888    Y888P         Y888P          d88P
888     888    Y88b d88P    888d88888b888    d888b          888          d88P
888     888     Y88o88P     88888P Y88888   d88888b         888         d88P
Y88b. .d88P      Y888P      8888P   Y8888  d88P Y88b        888        d88P
 "Y88888P"        Y8P       888P     Y888 d88P   Y88b       888       d8888888888

 .d8888b.      d888          .d8888b.      .d8888b.         d8888     888888888      .d8888b.     8888888888     .d8888b.      .d8888b.
d88P  Y88b    d8888         d88P  Y88b    d88P  Y88b       d8P888     888           d88P  Y88b          d88P    d88P  Y88b    d88P  Y88b
888    888      888                888         .d88P      d8P 888     888           888                d88P     Y88b. d88P    888    888
888    888      888              .d88P        8888"      d8P  888     8888888b.     888d888b.         d88P       "Y88888"     Y88b. d888
888    888      888          .od888P"          "Y8b.    d88   888          "Y88b    888P "Y88b     88888888     .d8P""Y8b.     "Y888P888
888    888      888         d88P"         888    888    8888888888           888    888    888      d88P        888    888           888
Y88b  d88P      888         888"          Y88b  d88P          888     Y88b  d88P    Y88b  d88P     d88P         Y88b  d88P    Y88b  d88P
 "Y8888P"     8888888       888888888      "Y8888P"           888      "Y8888P"      "Y8888P"     d88P           "Y8888P"      "Y8888P"

              888                              888                     .d888                      888           d8b              d8b
              888                              888                    d88P"                       888           Y8P              Y8P
              888                              888                    888                         888
 8888b.       88888b.        .d8888b       .d88888       .d88b.       888888         .d88b.       88888b.       888             8888
    "88b      888 "88b      d88P"         d88" 888      d8P  Y8b      888           d88P"88b      888 "88b      888             "888
.d888888      888  888      888           888  888      88888888      888           888  888      888  888      888              888
888  888      888 d88P      Y88b.         Y88b 888      Y8b.          888           Y88b 888      888  888      888              888
"Y888888      88888P"        "Y8888P       "Y88888       "Y8888       888            "Y88888      888  888      888              888
                                                                                         888                                     888
                                                                                    Y8b d88P                                    d88P
                                                                                     "Y88P"                                   888P"

888           888                                                                                                             888
888           888                                                                                                             888
888           888                                                                                                             888
888  888      888           88888b.d88b.  88888b.        .d88b.       88888b.        .d88888      888d888       .d8888b       888888
888 .88P      888           888 "888 "88b 888 "88b      d88""88b      888 "88b      d88" 888      888P"         88K           888
888888K       888           888  888  888 888  888      888  888      888  888      888  888      888           "Y8888b.      888
888 "88b      888           888  888  888 888  888      Y88..88P      888 d88P      Y88b 888      888                X88      Y88b.
888  888      888           888  888  888 888  888       "Y88P"       88888P"        "Y88888      888            88888P'       "Y888
                                                                      888                888
                                                                      888                888
                                                                      888                888

888  888      888  888      888  888  888 888  888      888  888      88888888
888  888      888  888      888  888  888 `Y8bd8P'      888  888         d88P
888  888      Y88  88P      888  888  888   X88K        888  888        d88P
Y88b 888       Y8bd8P       Y88b 888 d88P .d8""8b.      Y88b 888       d88P
 "Y88888        Y88P         "Y8888888P"  888  888       "Y88888      88888888
                                                        Y8b d88P

d8b  d8b      d8b  d8b      d8b  d8b         d8b    d8b  d8b   d8b     d8b   d8b     .d888b.
Y8P  Y8P      Y8P  Y8P      Y8P  Y8P         Y8P    Y8P  Y8P   Y8P     Y8P   Y8P    d88" "88b
                                                d88888   .d88888b.    888     888   888  .88P
 8888b.        .d88b.       888  888           d88P888  d88P" "Y88b   888     888   888 888K.
    "88b      d88""88b      888  888          d88P 888  888     888   888     888   888  "Y88b
.d888888      888  888      888  888         d88P  888  888     888   888     888   888    888
888  888      Y88..88P      Y88b 888        d888888888  Y88b. .d88P   Y88b. .d88P   888   d88P
"Y888888       "Y88P"        "Y88888       d88P    888   "Y88888P"     "Y88888P"    888 888P"

              888           88 88           888  888         88       d88b   d88P    .d8888b.     d8b
              888           8P 8P           888  888     .d88888b.    Y88P  d88P    d88P  "88b    88P
              888           "  "          888888888888  d88P 88"88b        d88P     Y88b. d88P    8P
              888                           888  888    Y88b.88           d88P       "Y8888P"     "
              888                           888  888     "Y88888b.       d88P       .d88P88K.d88P
              Y8P                         888888888888       88"88b     d88P        888"  Y888P"
               "                            888  888    Y88b 88.88P    d88P  d88b   Y88b .d8888b
              888                           888  888     "Y88888P"    d88P   Y88P    "Y8888P" Y88b

  .d88        88b.                                                                                       d88P
 d88P"        "Y88b               o                                                                     d88P
d88P            Y88b             d8b                                                                   d88P
888              888            d888b       888                                                       d88P
888              888        "Y888888888P" 8888888                                                    d88P
Y88b            d88P          "Y88888P"     888                       888888                        d88P
 Y88b.        .d88P           d88P"Y88b                 d8b                         d8b            d88P
  "Y88        88P"           dP"     "Yb                88P                         Y8P           d88P

                               d88P                     Y88b           .d8888b.      .d8888888b.
                              d88P                       Y88b         d88P  Y88b    d88P"   "Y88b
                             d88P                         Y88b             .d88P    888  d8b  888
d8b           d8b           d88P          888888           Y88b          .d88P"     888  888  888
Y8P           Y8P           Y88b                           d88P          888"       888  888bd88P
                             Y88b         888888          d88P           888        888  Y8888P"
d8b           d8b             Y88b                       d88P                       Y88b.     .d8
Y8P           88P              Y88b                     d88P             888         "Y88888888P"

8888888       Y88b          8888888           o                                       .d888         888         888b.
888            Y88b             888          d8b                                     d88P"          888          "Y88b
888             Y88b            888         d888b                                    888            888            888         d888b  d88
888              Y88b           888        d8P"Y8b                                  .888            888            888.       d888888888P
888               Y88b          888                                                 888(                           )888       88P  Y888P
888                Y88b         888                                                 "888            888            888"
888                 Y88b        888                                                  888            888            888
8888888              Y88b   8888888                     88888888                     Y88b.          888          .d88P
                                                                                      "Y888         888         888P"

Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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