Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'maxfour'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
|/~\ /~\ /~~|\/-|-/~\|   ||/~\
|   |   |\__|/\ | \_/ \_/||

(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
~~|~~|                  '   |    |                        /~\         '                                       | |         |               |
  |  |/~\ /~/  /~~||   ||/~~|_/  |~~\|/~\/~\\    /|/~\   -|-/~\\/     ||   ||/~\ /~\ |~~\(~  /~\\  //~/|/~\  ~|~|/~\ /~/  |/~~|~/\  /  /~~|/~\/~~|
  |  |   |\/_  \__| \_/||\__| \  |__/|   \_/ \/\/ |   |   | \_//\     | \_/||   |   ||__/_)  \_/ \/ \/_|      | |   |\/_  |\__|/_ \/   \__|\_/\__|o
                  |/                                               \__|              |                                           _/           \__|

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Maxfour by Randall Ransom 1/94 <>
Figlet release 2.0 -- August 5, 1993

Explanation of first line:
flf2 - "magic number" for file identification
a    - should always be `a', for now
$    - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed
4    - height of a character
3    - height of a character, not including descenders
11   - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor
0    - default smushmode for this font (like "-m 0" on command line)
13   - number of comment lines

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
  /\     |~~\      /~~     |~~\     |~~      |~~       /~~\    |  |     ~|~      ~~|~
 /__\    |--<     |        |   |    |--      |--      |  __    |--|      |         |
/    \   |__/      \__     |__/     |__      |         \__/    |  |     _|_      \_|

| /      |        |\  /|   |\  |     /~~\    |~~\      /~~\    |~~\     /~~\     ~~|~~
|(       |        | \/ |   | \ |    |    |   |__/     |    |   |__/     '--.       |
| \      |__      |    |   |  \|     \__/    |         \__X    |  \     \__/       |

|   |    |    |   |  |  |  \ /      \   /    ~~/
|   |     \  /    |  |  |   X        \ /      /
 \_/       \/      \/ \/   / \        |      /__

 /~~\    /|       /~\      /~\       /|      |~~      /~~      ~~/      (~)      /~\
|    |    |        ./        <      /_|_     '~\      Y~\       /       /~\      '-/
 \__/    _|_      /__      \_/        |      __/      \_/      /        \_/       /

         |                    |               /~\              |        '           '
/~~|     |~~\     /~~      /~~|     /~/      -|-      /~~|     |/~\     |           |
\__|     |__/     \__      \__|     \/_       |       \__|     |   |    |           |
                                                      \__|                       \__|

|        |                                                                        |
|_/      |        |/~\ /~\ |/~\     /~\      |~~\     /~~|     |/~\     (~       ~|~
| \      |        |   |   ||   |    \_/      |__/     \__|     |        _)        |
                                             |           |/

|   |    \  /     \    /   \/       \  /     ~/
 \_/|     \/       \/\/    /\        \/      /_

         |        ||        . .     ||       o /       |       /
         |                 -|-|-    (~        /       (~
         .                 -|-|-    _)       / o      (_
                            ' '     ||                 |

 /       \        \ /       .                                    /
|         |       -X-      -+-               ---                /
|         |       / \       '       o                 o        /
 \       /                          /

                   /                \        /~\       /~~\
o        o        /        ---       \        _/      | (|_|
o        o        \        ---       /        !        \__
         /         \                /

|~       \        ~|       /\                          |~      |        ~|
|         \        |                                  /        |          \      _-_-
|          \       |                                  \        |          /
|_                _|                __                 |_      |        _|
Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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