Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'speed'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
_______________________________  /
__  ___/__  __ \  _ \  _ \  __  /
_(__  )__  /_/ /  __/  __/ /_/ /
/____/ _  .___/\___/\___/\__,_/
(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
_____________                         _____      ______      ______                                     ________                 ________                                                                   ___________            ______                        _________
___  __/__  /______     ______ ____  ____(_)________  /__    ___  /_________________      ________      ___  __/_________  __    ______(_)___  ________ ___________________   _________   ______________    __  /___  /______      ___  /_____ __________  __    ______  /____________ _
__  /  __  __ \  _ \    _  __ `/  / / /_  /_  ___/_  //_/    __  __ \_  ___/  __ \_ | /| / /_  __ \     __  /_ _  __ \_  |/_/    _____  /_  / / /_  __ `__ \__  __ \_  ___/   _  __ \_ | / /  _ \_  ___/    _  __/_  __ \  _ \     __  /_  __ `/__  /_  / / /    _  __  /_  __ \_  __ `/
_  /   _  / / /  __/    / /_/ // /_/ /_  / / /__ _  ,<       _  /_/ /  /   / /_/ /_ |/ |/ /_  / / /     _  __/ / /_/ /_>  <      ____  / / /_/ /_  / / / / /_  /_/ /(__  )    / /_/ /_ |/ //  __/  /        / /_ _  / / /  __/     _  / / /_/ /__  /_  /_/ /     / /_/ / / /_/ /  /_/ /__
/_/    /_/ /_/\___/     \__, / \__,_/ /_/  \___/ /_/|_|      /_.___//_/    \____/____/|__/ /_/ /_/      /_/    \____//_/|_|      ___  /  \__,_/ /_/ /_/ /_/_  .___//____/     \____/_____/ \___//_/         \__/ /_/ /_/\___/      /_/  \__,_/ _____/\__, /      \__,_/  \____/_\__, /_(_)
                          /_/                                                                                                    /___/                     /_/                                                                                      /____/                     /____/

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Speed by Claude Martins 2/95 -- based on Slant
Includes ISO Latin-1
figlet release 2.1 -- 12 Aug 1994
Permission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as the
modifier's name is placed on a comment line.

Explanation of first line:
flf2 - "magic number" for file identification
a    - should always be `a', for now
$    - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed
6    - height of a character
5    - height of a character, not including descenders
14   - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor
15   - default smushmode for this font
16   - number of comment lines

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
_______       ________      _________     ________      __________    __________    _________     ______  __    ________      _________
___    |      ___  __ )     __  ____/     ___  __ \     ___  ____/    ___  ____/    __  ____/     ___  / / /    ____  _/      ______  /
__  /| |      __  __  |     _  /          __  / / /     __  __/       __  /_        _  / __       __  /_/ /      __  /        ___ _  /
_  ___ |      _  /_/ /      / /___        _  /_/ /      _  /___       _  __/        / /_/ /       _  __  /      __/ /         / /_/ /
/_/  |_|      /_____/       \____/        /_____/       /_____/       /_/           \____/        /_/ /_/       /___/         \____/

______ __     ______        ______  ___   _____   __    _______       ________      _______       ________      ________      ________
___  //_/     ___  /        ___   |/  /   ___  | / /    __  __ \      ___  __ \     __  __ \      ___  __ \     __  ___/      ___  __/
__  ,<        __  /         __  /|_/ /    __   |/ /     _  / / /      __  /_/ /     _  / / /      __  /_/ /     _____ \       __  /
_  /| |       _  /___       _  /  / /     _  /|  /      / /_/ /       _  ____/      / /_/ /       _  _, _/      ____/ /       _  /
/_/ |_|       /_____/       /_/  /_/      /_/ |_/       \____/        /_/           \___\_\       /_/ |_|       /____/        /_/

_____  __     ___    __     ___       __  ____  __      __  __        ______
__  / / /     __ |  / /     __ |     / /  __  |/ /      _ \/ /        ___  /
_  / / /      __ | / /      __ | /| / /   __    /       __  /         __  /
/ /_/ /       __ |/ /       __ |/ |/ /    _    |        _  /          _  /__
\____/        _____/        ____/|__/     /_/|_|        /_/           /____/

_______       ______        ______        ________      _____ __      __________    ________      ______        _______       _______
__  __ \      __<  /        __|__ \       __|__  /      __  // /      ___  ____/    __  ___/      /__  /        __( __ )      __  __ \
_  / / /      __  /         ____/ /       ___/_ <       _  // /_      ______ \      _  __ \       __  /         _  __  |      _  /_/ /
/ /_/ /       _  /          _  __/        ____/ /       /__  __/       ____/ /      / /_/ /       _  /          / /_/ /       _\__, /
\____/        /_/           /____/        /____/          /_/         /_____/       \____/        /_/           \____/        /____/

              ______                      _________                   ________                    ______        _____         ________
______ _      ___  /_       _______       ______  /     _____         ___  __/      _______ _     ___  /_       ___(_)        ______(_)
_  __ `/      __  __ \      _  ___/       _  __  /      _  _ \        __  /_        __  __ `/     __  __ \      __  /         _____  /
/ /_/ /       _  /_/ /      / /__         / /_/ /       /  __/        _  __/        _  /_/ /      _  / / /      _  /          ____  /
\__,_/        /_.___/       \___/         \__,_/        \___/         /_/           _\__, /       /_/ /_/       /_/           ___  /
                                                                                    /____/                                    /___/

______        ______                                                                                                          _____
___  /__      ___  /        _______ ___   _______       ______        ________      ______ _      ________      ________      __  /_
__  //_/      __  /         __  __ `__ \  __  __ \      _  __ \       ___  __ \     _  __ `/      __  ___/      __  ___/      _  __/
_  ,<         _  /          _  / / / / /  _  / / /      / /_/ /       __  /_/ /     / /_/ /       _  /          _(__  )       / /_
/_/|_|        /_/           /_/ /_/ /_/   /_/ /_/       \____/        _  .___/      \__, /        /_/           /____/        \__/
                                                                      /_/             /_/

____  __      ___   __      ___      __   ____  __      _____  __     ______
_  / / /      __ | / /      __ | /| / /   __  |/_/      __  / / /     ___  /
/ /_/ /       __ |/ /       __ |/ |/ /    __>  <        _  /_/ /      __  /_
\__,_/        _____/        ____/|__/     /_/|_|        _\__, /       _____/

____   _      ____   _      ____   _      _____  _      ____   _      ____   _      _________
__(_)_(_)     __(_)_(_)     __(_) (_)     ___(_)(_)     __(_)_(_)     __(_) (_)     ____  __ \
_  __ `/      _  __ \       _  / / /      __  _ |       _  __ \       _  / / /      ___  / / /
/ /_/ /       / /_/ /       / /_/ /       _  __ |       / /_/ /       / /_/ /       __  /_| |
\__,_/        \____/        \__,_/        /_/ |_|       \____/        \____/        _  //__/

              ______        ___ _         _______ __    _______       ____   __     ______        ___
              ___  /        _( | )        ____/ // /_   ____/ /       __(_)_/_/     __( _ )       _( )
              __  /         _|/|/         _ _  _  __/   __  __/       ____/_/       _  __ \/|     _|/
               /_/                        /_  _  __/    _(_  )        __/_/_        / /_/  <
              (_)                          /_//_/       /  _/         /_/ (_)       \____/\/

_______       ______        _____                                                                 _________
____/_/       ____| |       ____/|_       ______                                                  ______/_/
__  /         ____  /       _|    /       ___/ /_                     ________                    ____/_/
_  /          ___  /        /_ __|        /_  __/       ___           _/_____/      ___           __/_/
/ /           __/_/          |/            /_/          _( )                        _(_)          /_/
|_|           /_/                                       _|/

                            ____                        ___           _____         _________
_____         _____         _  /          _______       __ \          _ __ \        __  ____ \
___(_)        ___(_)        / /           _ ____/       ___ \         __/ _/        _  / __ `/
___           ___           \ \           /____/        __  /         _/_/          / / /_/ /
_(_)          _( )           \_\                        _/_/          (_)           \ \__,_/
              _|/                                                                    \____/

________      ___           ________      _ //|                       ____          _______       _______       ____ _        __/\//
____  _/      __ \          ____/  /      _|/||                       _/_/          ____/_/       ____  /       ____| |       _//\/
___  /        ___ \         ____  /                                                 __/_/         ___  /        ____/ /
__  /         ____ \        ___  /                                                  < <           __  /         ____>_>
_  /          ______\       __/ /                       ________                    / /           _  /          __/_/
/__/                        /__/                        _/_____/                    \_\           /_/           /_/
Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
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