Fonts overview

FIGlet fonts library - Font details

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -

Font: 'thin'     (Download this font)    (Download font library)
Name of the font in figletized format:
|    |    o
|--- |---..,---.
|    |   |||   |
`---'`   '``   '

(might look strange if the font is a symbol font)

Sample sentence:

(The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.)
--.--|                       o     |        |                            ,---.                 o                                                 |    |             |                           |
  |  |---.,---.    ,---..   ..,---.|__/     |---.,---.,---.. . .,---.    |__. ,---..  ,        ..   .,-.-.,---.,---.    ,---..    ,,---.,---.    |--- |---.,---.    |    ,---.,---,,   .    ,---|,---.,---.
  |  |   ||---'    |   ||   |||    |  \     |   ||    |   || | ||   |    |    |   | ><         ||   || | ||   |`---.    |   | \  / |---'|        |    |   ||---'    |    ,---| .-' |   |    |   ||   ||   |
  `  `   '`---'    `---|`---'``---'`   `    `---'`    `---'`-'-'`   '    `    `---''  `        |`---'` ' '|---'`---'    `---'  `'  `---'`        `---'`   '`---'    `---'`---^'---'`---|    `---'`---'`---|o
                       |                                                                   `---'          |                                                                        `---'              `---'

Comments from font file

This comment was included with the font file and propably contains additional information about the font:
Based on a lowercase font posted by
Figletized by Wendell Hicken 11/93 (
Explanation of first line:
flf2 - "magic number" for file identification
a    - should always be `a', for now
$    - the "hardblank" -- prints as a blank, but can't be smushed
6    - height of a character
5    - height of a character, not including descenders
8    - max line length (excluding comment lines) + a fudge factor
-1   - default smushmode for this font (like "-m 15" on command line)
12   - number of comment lines

Default character table

This table shows the most important Ascii characters in the font:
,---. ,---. ,---. ,--.  ,---. ,---. ,---. |   | |         |
|---| |---. |     |   | |---  |__.  |  _. |---| |         |
|   | |   | |     |   | |     |     |   | |   | |         |
`   ' `---' `---' `--'  `---' `     `---' `   ' `     `---'

|   / |     ,-.-. ,   . ,---. ,---. ,---. ,---. ,---. --.--
|__/  |     | | | |\  | |   | |---' |   | |---' `---.   |
|  \  |     | | | | \ | |   | |     |   | |  \      |   |
`   ` `---' ` ' ' `  `' `---' `     `---\ `   ` `---'   `

.   . .    ,. . . .  ,  ,   . ,---,
|   | |    || | |  ><   |   |  .-'
|   |  \  / | | | |  |  `---' |
`---'   `'  `-'-' '  `    |   `---'

,--.   '|   ,--.  ,--.  |  |  ---.  ,--.  ---.  ,--.  ,--.
|  |    |   ,--'    -|  `--|  `--.  |--.     /  ,--.  `__|
|  |    |   |        |     |     |  |  |    |   |  |     |
`--'    `   `--'  `--'     `  `--'  `--'    |   `--'     '

      |               |       ,---.       |     o         o
,---. |---. ,---. ,---| ,---. |__.  ,---. |---. .         .
,---| |   | |     |   | |---' |     |   | |   | |         |
`---^ `---' `---' `---' `---' `     `---| `   ' `         |
                                    `---'             `---'

|     |                                               |
|__/  |     ,-.-. ,---. ,---. ,---. ,---. ,---. ,---. |---
|  \  |     | | | |   | |   | |   | |   | |     `---. |
`   ` `---' ` ' ' `   ' `---' |---' `---| `     `---' `---'
                              |         |

.   . .    ,. . . .  ,  ,   . ,---,
|   |  \  / | | |  ><   |   |  .-'
`---'   `'  `-'-' '  `  `---| '---'

                   o o   o o   o o
 o o   o o   o o  ,---. ,---. .   . ,---.
,---. ,---. .   . |---| |   | |   | |---.
,---| |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |
`---^ `---' `---' `   ' `---' `---' |---'

      |     | |    . .  ,-|-. o  /         |
      |     ` `   -+-+- `-|-.   /    ,-.  '
                  -+-+-   | |  /     |_|_
      o            ` `  `-|-' /  o     |

 /    \                                      /
|      |    .|.    |                        /
|      |    -*-   -+-         ---          /
|      |    '|`    |     |          o     /
 \    /                 '

             /          \     ,---. ,---.
o      o    /     ---    \      ,-' | o_/
            \     ---    /      |   |
o      |     \          /       o   `---'

,-    \     -.     .                 ,-   |     -.     _
|      \     |    / \                |    |      |    / \_/
:       \    :                      -:    |      :-
|        \   |                       |    |      |
`-          -'          ---          `-         -'
Note that many fonts contain additional characters not shown here.

- This page has been automatically generated from the FIGlet font library -
Copyright © Markus Gebhard, 2004-2005
Valid XHTML 1.0!