JavE - Logos and Icons

When I started developing JavE at the end of the year 2000, I knew it needs a cool program icon. So I started quite simple and later created a logo from the icon.

Meanwhile some fans have sent me great versions of my logo - pixel graphics as well as ASCII art.

Well, here they are:

Pixel Graphics

December 2008logoScott BlevinsStylish Mac OS X icon
June 2005logoAlberto SchianoWay cool folder icon
April 2002logoMarkus GebhardWell, I thought it was a good idea to adopt
the size of the logo to the size of the program
December 2001logo
(click to view in original size)
Johannes Roessel 
December 2001logoJohannes RoesselProgram icon with more colors and higher resolution
September 2001logoMarkus GebhardThe JavE logo after switching from "Jave" to "JavE"
December 2000?logoMarkus GebhardThe first Jave logo
November 2000logoMarkus GebhardFirst version of the program icon

Ascii Art

June 2009
 _________________    ________
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 / .-------------------. \
 ||\      ______      / ||
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 \\ '' .-`.__:_,`-. ''  //
 ||   /   ______   \   ||
//  .'   '------'   `.  \\
|| /__________________\ ||
Markus GebhardFirst logo for the clipart library
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© Markus Gebhard (markus@jave.de), 2000 - 2010
last modified: Jun 22, 2009