JavE - Developer Versions


WARNING: Developer releases are not stable versions!
They are intended for experienced users who want to see what's next and who want to help me finding bugs.

In order to download the latest stable version go here instead.

Milestone 6.0M5

May 8th, 2005

jave_6.0_M5.zip [1.95MB]

System Requirements

JRE 1.4 or greater installed

What's New

New Features since the last milestone release:
  • In the new batch conversion wizard in the image2ascii converter you can now choose the source image files
    screenshot: batch conversion wizard
  • Improved animation editor: More buttons, more icons, more context menues
    screenshot: animation editor
  • Cropping (Menu Edit->Crop) in animation editor crops all frames
  • Resize Document (Menu Edit->Resize Document) in animation editor resizes all frames
  • New export wizard for animations. 'Loop' option can be configured for animated GIFs and JavaScript
    screenshot: animation export
  • Improved JavaScript player for animation export. Player controls are now optional.
  • Added Java applet export (JavE-Player) to animation export wizard.
  • New dialog for animation properties
    screenshot: animation properties
  • Removed the capability of animation frames having a specific frame duration and color for each frame. Those are now settings for an animation.
  • Bugfix: Frame title updated correctly to the current active editor
  • Bugfix: Animation properties frame duration/color was not saved/loaded
  • Bugfix: Animation GIF export produced black images
  • Lots of bugfixes and internal code cleanup
More Features can be found in the changes from the previous release 6.0 M4.


Your feedback is important: Let me know if you find any bugs or inconveniences. Write to markus@jave.de.

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© Markus Gebhard (markus@jave.de), 2000 - 2009
last modified: Apr 10, 2009